The high price of menthol cigarettes
Cigarette smoking is on the decline in the United States, but there’s one type of cigarette that’s still popular: menthols. Menthol cigarettes are especially popular with young adults and African Americans. While most smokers know that tobacco is harmful to their health, they may not be aware of the high price of menthol cigarettes. A pack of menthols can cost up to $7, while a pack of regular cigarettes usually costs less than $5.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has asked the makers of cigarettes to provide more information about menthol. Including what makes menthol cigarettes so addictive. It has also asked the makers to design a study to compare the health impact of menthol versus regular cigarettes.
Menthol cigarettes are especially popular with young adults and African Americans
Menthol cigarettes are especially popular among young adults and African Americans. With nearly 90% of young adult smokers and 96% of African American smokers choosing menthols. Despite their popularity, however, menthol cigarettes prices are actually more expensive than regular cigarettes. In fact, a pack of menthols can cost up to $1 more than a pack of regular smokes. So why do so many people smoke them? There are a few reasons.
First, many people believe that menthol cigarettes are somehow healthier than regular cigarettes. While this has been proven false, most people still believe that menthols aren’t as bad for you and can even be used to help you quit smoking. (In fact, menthols actually make it harder for smokers to quit.) Other smokers may choose to smoke menthols because they think they’re less smoky or easier on their throats. In reality, menthols are just as smoky and no easier on the throat. The only real difference is the minty flavor.
Are Menthol Cigarettes Addictive?
All cigarettes are highly addictive, and menthol cigarettes are no exception. In fact, menthols may be even more addictive than regular cigarettes, at least for a certain group of smokers. A recent study revealed that African American smokers are significantly more likely to become addicted to menthol cigarettes than smokers of other ethnicities.
The study surveyed 1,600 African American smokers, half of whom smoked menthol cigarettes and the other half who smoked non-menthol cigarettes. Within one year, 60% of first-time menthol smokers remained menthol smokers. The researchers concluded that this disproportionate rate of addiction among African Americans may be tied to the distribution of menthol cigarettes in African American communities.
Most smokers know that tobacco is harmful to their health, but they may not be aware of the high price of menthol cigarettes
The study, which was conducted by the University of South Carolina, looked at data from over 9,000 smokers in the United States. They found that those who smoked menthol cigarettes paid an average of $4. 50 more per pack than those who did not smoke menthols.

They also found that menthol smokers were more likely to pay more per pack than non-menthol smokers and, on average, they paid $2. 2 more per pack. These findings suggest that the price gap between menthols and non-menthols exist even after accounting. For the fact that menthol cigarettes are generally sold in packs that are one or two cigarettes smaller.
The study looked at both cost per pack and average price for an individual cigarette. What this means is that. The price gap between menthols and non-menthols is not a result of the fact that cigarettes are sold in a variety of different packs. Rather, it is the result of the fact that retailers are more likely to charge more for a pack of menthol cigarettes. Than they would for a pack of non-menthol cigarettes, even when accounting for the cost of a pack that contains fewer cigarettes.
A pack of menthols can cost up to $7, while a pack regular cigarettes usually costs less than $5
Menthol cigarettes have been around for decades and are a popular choice among smokers. They tend to be more expensive than regular cigarettes, but many people feel that they are worth the extra cost. Menthol cigarettes give off a cooling sensation when smoked, which can be enjoyable on hot days or after physical activity. In addition, menthols tend to have a refreshing flavor that many smokers enjoy.
Menthol cigarettes can be a great choice for new smokers, especially those that are used to smoking cigars or pipes. Some studies have shown that menthol cigarettes are more addictive than regular cigarettes. But this has not been proven and many people argue that this is a myth. Menthol cigarettes still produce the harmful chemicals normally found in cigarettes. So they can be dangerous even when smoked in moderation.
Some smokers like menthol cigarettes because of their flavor and the cooling sensation. Others prefer them because they help to hide the smell of smoke. Many people enjoy menthol cigarettes, but there are also many people that don’t like them at all. Some smokers complain that menthol cigarettes are more addictive than regular cigarettes and can increase the risk for addiction. Others dislike menthol cigarettes because of the harsh flavor, which tends to burn stronger than regular cigarettes.