What Is The Cheapest Way To Buy Cigarettes?
Still smoking? So are about 45 million other Americans. While you should really quit, if you are going to keep lighting up, at least make sure your money doesn’t go up in smoke.The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in a report last week that fewer Americans are smoking, and 20 percent are smoking less daily than they did last year.
Keeping up this bad habit can be expensive; I know – almost $300 a month. Locally, gas stations usually sell my cigarettes like Parliaments for $6.99 a pack. Others charge more, but you’ll find your favorite spot based on both location and price in the long run. If you spend some time researching, you might be able to save a bundle on your cigarettes. Here are six ways to do that…
1. Buy online
The cigarette might be “made in Europe,” but for a carton of Marlboro at $30.00 per carton at Cheapcartoncigarettes.com, the price is worth it. The nearest station might probably sell the same carton of Marlboro cigarette for about $56.00. That’s almost double the online price. Other competitors online might sell the same carton for about $10.00 more than Cheapcartoncigarettes.com.
Warning: Online stores often have a 5-carton minimum requirement. Buying these 5, however, is more likely to be cheaper than buying pack by pack from the local store.
2. Buy from Native Americans
Indian reservations don’t have to charge tobacco taxes. And they often don’t.Of course, state governments don’t like this too much, but they can’t do much about it, according to the Buffalo News, which recently reported a new Indian shop in New York that’s selling packs for about half non-reservation store prices.To find the nearest Indian reservation, use the nifty Google formula: “[your state]+Indian+reservation.”
3. Buy cartons instead of single packs
If you like going to the store and grabbing a pack off the shelf, might as well buy a carton. Nearest gas stations sell single packs of Parliaments for about $10.99. The cartons go for about $55, which gives a $15 discount for every 10 packs bought. Cartons will always be cheaper, but not always by the same amount. Check your local store for details. Of course, buying a carton means you’re not quitting for at least 10 more packs. That discourages smokers but it does save money.
4. Buy two packs at a time
In response to higher tobacco taxes, some manufacturers began offering double-pack discounts, usually about a dollar a purchase, or $0.50 off per pack. Problem is, these offers are usually only given for two or three brands in a given store, and they’re usually for the ones not selling well, according to the clerk at the local store, or gas station.If you’re only buying smokes for a night on the town or a weekend getaway, this is probably your best option.
5. Be mindful when you’re traveling
Different states impose different tobacco taxes. To see the average tax of packs in your state, check out tobaccofreekids.org‘s U.S. map of tobacco taxes.If you’re on the road or in the air, keep in mind that a carton or two at a local store could save you big bucks.
6. Sign up for coupons
Cheapcartoncigarettes.com lets you register for coupons online. The coupons are usually no more than $1 or $2, and they only show up in the checkout section twice a month and they’re usually connected to giant pamphlets about sponsored events. This posts expresses vividly What Is The Cheapest Way To Buy Cigarettes